3 Exercises You Can Perform From Home During Quarantine

Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you can't keep your body fit. COVID-19 has flipped everyone's world upside down, but humans have a natural way of adapting to anything. Even if the gyms are closed doesn't mean you can't engage in physical activities. Sure, you might have to lift bags of delivered groceries instead of free weights, but you're still stimulating your biceps. 


Unfortunately, the stress of staying at home has affected many people. Many people lost their jobs, are on unemployment or are trying to balance their personal and professional lives out of the same room. COVID-19 has caused a quarantine situation that's a disastrous recipe for irritability, stress, and other issues that could strain relationships or marriages. 

If you find yourself getting way too stressed or restless, you need to find some space in your home to get a private workout in. Let's take a look at 3 exercises you can do at home during the quarantine. 


If you’re getting no physical activity during quarantine, then it could cause long term health issues. Gaining weight puts you at risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and other health issues linked with weight gain. Squats are incredibly simple and require no workout equipment. 

  1. Stand with your feet a little wider than your hips. Make sure your toes are point forward. 

  2. Reach your arms straight out and make them parallel to the ground. 

  3. Squat down until you feel your hips go past your knees from behind.

  4. Stand back up.

Make sure you're tensing your core muscles while breathing in and out during squats, so you get a full-body workout.



It's normal to get a little stir-crazy from home. However, don't let that affect your mood. When you feel your mood decreasing then, you're going to be irritable with whoever you're stuck at home with. That will do nothing for your stress or anxiety. You don't want your decreased mood to affect your relationship with your children, family, or spouse. Push-ups are one of the most manageable workouts you can do that build your chest and shoulder muscles. 

  1. Get on the floor with your arms and legs. Keep your hands a little wider than your shoulders. 

  2. Push yourself up by straightening your legs out and your arms to push your body in the area.

  3. Gently lower your body to the floor until your chest barely touches the floor. 

If you're struggling with basic push-ups, you can use your knees on the floor until you condition your body for normal push-ups. 


It's important to stay active and in-shape during the quarantine. You don't want to go back to work completely out of shape or not being able to fit into your work clothes anymore. This is especially important if you have a manual labor job. Planks work your entire body. You're working the core of your body from your abdominal muscles to your trapezius muscles. Planks also help keep your posture healthy, so you're not going back to work with a slouch.

  1. Get in a push-up position with your arms straight, and legs stretched out straight.

  2. Place your forearms on the floor parallel to your body and clasp your hands together.

  3. Keep your head and neck in line together, and hold the position for a minute.

You need to make sure not to lock your knees as you’re bracing your body during a plank. 

Try to get half an hour of exercise every day during your quarantine. You might come out the other end fitter than you were before COVID-19 started. 

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